Course ②
e-Tore learning that emphasizes autonomy
A course where students themselves plan and carry out daily learning, periodic test preparation, and entrance exam preparation through e-Tore
The instructor grades only chekku and richekku.
This is intended for those who can progress on their own through e-Tore.
For example, if you are a middle school student, it is aimed at those who are roughly in the top 20% of academic ability.
If you verbally tell us the outline of what you want to learn, an instructor will make a specific plan for you.”
How to proceed with course number ②
Please self-grade your suteppu and ritorai.
Once you’ve finished grading, look at the explanations for the mistakes and areas you’re unsure about, and try again. If you still don’t understand, you can ask questions. To avoid failing again in the ritorai and richekku, ask questions and resolve any issues.
The final hurdles, chekku and richekku, will be graded by the instructor. This is done as a final check to make sure you’re not just assuming you’ve understood the unit.
Procedure except for chekku and richekku
1. Get the questions and answers from the printer.
2. Take a seat.
3. Set the timer.
4. Solve the problems.
5. Skip the questions you don’t understand. Don’t overthink.
6. Grade yourself.
7. Try to solve the questions you couldn’t do again.
8. Ask questions about any doubts.
9. Once you have no more doubts, enter your score into the computer.
10. Print out the next set of problems.
Repeat steps 1 to 10.
Procedure for chekku and richekku
1. Get the problem and its solution from the printer.
2. Hand only the solution to the instructor.
3. Take a seat.
4. Set the timer.
5. Solve the problems.
6. Skip the questions you don’t understand. Don’t overthink.
7. As soon as you finish, take it to the instructor.
8. The instructor will grade it.
9. Receive the problems and solution back.
10. Sit down and try to solve the questions you couldn’t do before.
11. Ask questions about any doubts.
12. Once you have no more doubts, hand the problem and solution back to the instructor.
13. Enter the score into the computer.
14. Print out the next set of problems.
Repeat steps 1 to 14.